Wild Seeds Retreat for Writers of Color Summer Application
Thank you for your interest in the Wild Seeds Retreat for Writers of Color (WSR). You are accessing this information because you have read and understand the basic information outlined about WSR on the Center for Black Literature website. The Wild Seeds Retreat will take place July 15–20, 2024 at SUNY Polytechnic Institute in Utica, New York. The deadline to apply is extended to Friday, May 24, 2024 (11:59 pm ET).
The applicant’s submission packet must include a cover letter of introduction that includes:
- The reason you want to participate in the Wild Seeds Retreat for Writers of Color.
- A statement about how you would benefit from this experience.
- Background information about you as a writer.
- Brief description of the project you are presently working on (if applicable).
- A writing sample (up to five pages). This will be a separate upload in the application below.
- Two letters of recommendation from individuals who are familiar with your writing. This will also be a separate upload in the application below.
- A rationale for a scholarship if you are requesting one. Scholarships are very limited.
➡️ Please complete the following application. Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of this page to read about important requirements. Click HERE now to read those requirements.
- The staff is working remotely. Online applications and online payments are preferred.
- RFCUNY (referenced above) is the nonprofit arm of the City University of New York, is registered as a charitable organization, and is a 501(c)(3) organization.
- If you are sending the application package via postal mail, please:
a. Send a certified check or money order
b. Make the item payable to Medgar Evers College Educational Foundation
c. In the memo, write “Wild Seeds Retreat Summer 2024.”
d. Mail to:
Center for Black Literature
Medgar Evers College, CUNY
1650 Bedford Avenue | Brooklyn, NY 11225
ATTN: Wild Seeds Retreat Summer 2024
If you have questions or need more information, please email info@
You may also call the main office at (718) 804-8883 (please leave a message).
Contact Us
Center for Black Literature (CBL)
at Medgar Evers College, CUNY
1534 Bedford Avenue | 2nd Floor
Brooklyn, New York 11216
(Click HERE for the Postal Mailing Address)
Main Phone: (718) 804-8884
Main Office: info@centerforblackliterature.org
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